What is occupational therapy ?

Occupational therapy 

improves health and overall

well being of individuals

by enabling them to fully 

participate in their 

everyday activities. 

It helps patients in achieving their goals and potential by offering a tailored approach that aims to address the key parameters present in  each individual, activity and environment. It targets  issues related to physical stress and trauma as well as mental health and cognitive disorders to help individuals achieve a fruitful and balanced lifestyle. 

Main benefits

of occupational therapy 

For a balanced life

Become skilled at using different strategies to maintain a balanced and satisfying life.

Maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle 

Develop the tools and recognize key indicators that will help you engage in your everyday activities, thus promoting overall physical and mental health. 

Take control

Take a step back to review our priorities, refocus on ourselves and act on the things we have full control over.

A complement to medical treatments

Whether it is physical or psychological distress, occupational therapy can increase the response to medical treatments by acting directly on our lifestyle habits. 



is not a cure.

It is an active approach. Combined with a medical approach, occupational therapy can optimize the effectiveness of a treatment aimed at treating physical or psychological disorders. A preventive approach that aims to consult an occupational therapist on a regular basis is an effective strategy to avoid slipping into problems that are often predictable and that could affect our quality of life. 
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